Message from the President
This issue of Conserve is devoted to a single theme: partnerships. The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy could not accomplish the things we do without our many partners. <full story
WPC and Partners Remove Dams by Hand
to Protect Surrounding Landscape
With an even mixture of mud,
sweat and determination, WPC and its partners removed
two large dams near the
headwaters of Bear Run this past
August. <full story
Like-Minded Organizations Align to
Protect Allegheny Watersheds
Protecting and restoring the
watersheds of the half-million
acre Allegheny National Forest
is a daunting challenge – and one
that requires more resources than
any single conservation organization
can provide.<full story
Six Community Gardens Win Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Awards
WPC has a 30-year history of partnering with local groups and individuals to plant gardens and green spaces ranging from Erie to the West Virginia border and from Mercer to Harrisburg.<full story
Partners Combine Efforts to Promote Tourism in
the Southern Laurel Highlands
The southern Laurel Highlands
offers more than its share of
impressive tourist destinations.
<full story
Pooling Resources to Protect Land
around French Creek
Since the 1960s, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
has worked to protect the pristine waters of French Creek.<full story
Stopping a Significant Pollution Source at Little Mahoning Creek
Pollution from runoff is responsible for a surprising 88 percent of all damaged streams in Pennsylvania, with sediment and dust from dirt and gravel roads topping the list of major contributors. <full story
Invest in a Gift That Gives Back to You and Supports WPC
Often, a gift
plan can be devised that will benefit
not only the Western Pennsylvania
Conservancy but also you and your
loved ones. Let us help you analyze
your situation and devise a gift plan. <full story
Winter 2008 Conserve | Western Pennsylvania Conservancy | Fallingwater