Do you have someone on your gift list who has everything? The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy can help. May we suggest:
Interpretive sign at the Bear Run chestnut tree
demonstration area helps visitors understand
the efforts to restore this tree species.
• A Western Pennsylvania Conservancy or a Friends of Fallingwater gift membership;
• A named (and endowed) Fallingwater window, which includes a personalized
commemorative framed recognition document and a piece of window glass from
Fallingwater. Go to to view the current naming opportunities;
• Honor your loved one and plant a tree in the Pittsburgh area this holiday season
by making a gift to TreeVitalize Pittsburgh. With your gift of $200 or more, your honoree(s) will receive a personalized letter describing your gift;
• Honor your loved one with a contribution to WPC’s Community Gardens and
Greenspace Program. Your symbolic “gift of flowers” will help support the nearly
140 flower gardens throughout the region. With your gift of $50 or more, we’ll
send your honoree(s) a personalized letter describing your gift.
To learn more about these
meaningful gift options, contact
the Development Department
at 1-866-595-6972 or