Appreciating All Living Resources that Sustain Caring for our region’s water, land and animal and plant life cannot be achieved without accurate and detailed information. The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) provides the tools to help municipalities make informed decisions and protect the resources that define Western Pennsylvania. PNHP is a partnership between WPC, The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and the Pennsylvania Game Commission. A large portion of the program’s staff work out of WPC’s offices. A key component of the program is the development of
the Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory, a database
that stores all information collected in the field by PNHP
science staff and merges it with data from approved
sources throughout the state. The inventory is consulted
regularly as part of the state’s environmental review system
and is pivotal in the decision-making process within “The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program provides
information about the living species that sustain the
environment we live in,” said Jeff Wagner, Director of the
Natural Heritage Program. “Erie Bluffs, the state’s newest
state park, for example, represents a unique habitat and For more information, contact Jeff Wagner at 412-586- 2392 or at |