Prioritizing conservation measures in 57 counties

Establishing forestland protection measures

Celebrating and protecting Fallingwater and its setting

Exploring the natural possibilities of Mount Washington

2005 Financial Summary

Thanks to our benefactors
Prioritizing conservation
measures in 57 counties
County Natural Heritage Inventory is a systematic study of the biological resources of a county. It includes plants, animals, natural communities and habitats that are important to these living resources.
The first round of County Inventories moved closer to completion in 2005, with 57 out of 67 counties in the state completed or ongoing. There will always be the need to know more, track what we do know, and provide detailed information to help with management decisions. That is the role of the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, in which the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is a primary partner.

The information from County Inventory studies has been used to help plan for the conservation of biodiversity in the state. Whether used in county comprehensive planning, in regional greenway planning or for the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s Conservation Blueprint, the areas identified and prioritized in County Inventory reports give planners an essential layer of information that can be directly mapped and integrated into their plans.