Prioritizing conservation measures in 57 counties

Establishing forestland protection measures

Celebrating and protecting Fallingwater and its setting

Exploring the natural possibilities of Mount Washington

2005 Financial Summary

Thanks to our benefactors
A Message from WPC President and CEO Dennis McGrath
If the progress of our nearly 75-year-old organization could be likened to the experience of riding in a car, 2005 would be seen as the year we got our wheels aligned. For the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, our alignment began by creating an initial design of what conservation success might look like across the Pennsylvania landscape in the years ahead. We are now allocating our resources to meet and measure our progress against that design. It is our intent that approaching our work in this fashion will create clarity, transparency and accountability, three important elements of an enterprise that takes a long-term view.
The Conservation Blueprint for Western Pennsylvania, our design tool and roadmap, brings together more than 30 years of scientific data, information and knowledge and offers practical benchmarks to help us best protect, conserve and restore the diversity of Pennsylvania’s rich lands and waters. Because the blueprint is dynamic, we will adapt it as new information and knowledge is developed. One of the most important benefits of the Conservation Blueprint is our ability to set forest and water conservation objectives and monitor our progress toward them. For example, during the next three years we have set ambitious goals to protect up to 25,000 acres of land and 400 miles of streams and rivers, all part of the blueprint.
Our work goes far beyond this organization and it depends on the efforts of many others. We depend on you, our members and supporters, public and private conservation partners at the federal, state and local level, and communities of concerned and active people throughout the region.
Most important to the success of our work is your indispensable support and commitment. The longer I am here, the more I am impressed by the dedication of so many on behalf of our natural heritage.
Thank you for your part in our mission and for keeping us moving forward.