The forested region of northwestern Pennsylvania in the vicinity of Allegheny National Forest is an extensive landscape of private and public lands. More...
North Central Forests and West
Branch Susquehanna Basin

The largest and most contiguous stretches of forestlands are within the High Allegheny Plateau of north central Pennsylvania. More...
Nittany Valley

Nittany Valley lies precisely at the geographic center of Pennsylvania in Centre and Huntingdon counties between two long mountain ridges: Bald Eagle Mountain and Tussey Mountain. More...
The Juniata River

Characteristic of this landscape are folded mountains with hard Silurian sandstone tops and lower ridges of fractured Devonian shales. More...
Potomac Tributaries

South central Pennsylvania is composed of mountains of the Ridge and Valley Province (named for the parallel ridges and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains, which create an alternating pattern) and intermountain tributary watersheds of the Potomac River. More...
Laurel Highlands

The Allegheny Mountains and the northward flowing Youghiogheny River are an extension of an ecoregion starting in West Virginia and Maryland. More...
Great Lakes - Lake Erie Shoreline and Conneaut Creek
Pennsylvania’s portion of the Great Lakes ecoregion begins with its 45-mile stretch of shoreline along Lake Erie.
Meet Genny McIntyre
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy recently named Genny McIntyre as the organization’s first vice president for institutional advancement. More...