News and Media Room

Steve Guinn, Ph. D.: In Memoriam

After a long and valiant battle with cancer, we are saddened to share that longtime Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Board Member and Fallingwater Advisory Council Member Steve Guinn, Ph.D. passed away September 1, 2021. He was 73. Conservancy staff and fellow board members described Steve as a kind, thoughtful, and caring, a wonderful person who consistently… Read More

Nature Preserves Need Volunteer Help and Resources
Attend a free upcoming webinar

Pittsburgh, Pa. – August 26, 2021 – The fall months offer prime opportunities for nature lovers to experience a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, camping, nature exploring, fishing and birding on Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s 41 nature preserves located across the region. An August 31 webinar will provide more information on the preserves as well… Read More

WPC, BHE GT&S Seek Proposals From Local Watershed
Groups for 2021 Watershed Mini Grants

Pittsburgh, Pa. – August 6, 2021 – The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and BHE GT&S are now accepting proposals for the 2021 Watershed Mini Grant Program, which provides financial assistance to watershed groups and organizations across the region. The watershed mini grants can be used to support projects in three areas: water quality monitoring, watershed restoration,… Read More

Streams could benefit from juvenile mussel study

Hundreds of tiny young plain pocketbook (Lampsilis cardium) mussels, each no bigger than a clump of several grains of sand, are spending the summer and fall housed in underwater concrete silos in 13 streams across Western Pennsylvania. The mussels’ survival rate and growth will help researchers assess which streams are candidates for restocking freshwater mussels…. Read More

WPC Protects 152 Acres of Forestland in the First Fork
Sinnemahoning Watershed for the State Forest System

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 23, 2021 – The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced today the permanent protection of two forested properties totaling 152 acres in the Pennsylvania Wilds along First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek. The lands were immediately conveyed to the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry to become public state forestland. A… Read More

Fallingwater Reopens the House to Tours Starting May 1

Pittsburgh, Pa. – April 19, 2021 – Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater will reopen the interior of the house to tours on May 1, 2021, with a new educator-led tour, the Guided Architectural Tour, where visitors will experience Fallingwater’s main floor, guest house and exterior spaces as well as the landscape that inspired its design. This… Read More

Media Inquiries

Carmen Bray
Senior Director of Communications
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
