Community Flower Gardens

Planted each spring and tended throughout the year, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s 130 community flower gardens are a signature feature, bringing unique identity, beauty, character and charm to communities across our region.

These highly visible, vibrant and colorful community flower gardens are located in prominent public places within neighborhoods throughout Allegheny County and in cities and towns across the region.

Corporations, businesses, organizations and more than 11,000 dedicated volunteers partner with us  to plant and care for our gardens in 20 Western Pennsylvania counties.

Find a Community Garden Near You

Located in public areas and at intersections in several local communities, it’s likely one of our blooming flower gardens is near your home or office.

Volunteer at a Community Garden

At more than 11,000 strong, our volunteers are vital partners in the ongoing effort to plant and care for our community flower gardens.

Sponsor a Community Garden

Our community flower gardens are made possible by the generosity and financial support from a network of local business, corporate and community partners.

Community Garden Stewards

After the community gardens are planted each spring, we rely on a dedicated group of garden stewards to give regular attention and care to these gardens.

Take a Garden Bicycle Tour

We created four self-guided bike tours so that you can bike and explore some of our gardens in Pittsburgh while the enjoying city.

Community Vegetable Gardens

We support existing vegetable gardens so that residents can grow food within their local communities.

Community Greening

WPC works to green, beautify and enhance our region’s communities in many ways.

Our Impact

WPC Garden Volunteer stats

Beautifying and Strengthening Communities

Since the 1970s, the natural beauty of our community flower gardens has captivated residents and welcomed visitors throughout the spring and summer seasons. Not only do our gardens bring a unique character to the Pittsburgh region and local communities across the region, they are also important urban wildlife areas for birds and pollinators such as butterflies and bees.

We partner with many regional municipalities and other local entities to help transform vacant land or litter strewn abandoned sites into vibrant areas of natural beauty and color. The installation of a garden on these sites instantly helps to make the neighborhood more attractive and inviting as a place to live and work. We appreciate the local businesses, corporations, foundations, organizations, and government agencies and municipalities that provide financial contributions to keep the gardens blooming year after year.

Our community gardens are viewed millions of times each day according to PennDOT statistics, thus brightening the daily commute for tens of thousands of travelers. The gardens are underpinned by a strong and diverse group of more than 11,000 adult and youth volunteers from all walks of life who plant and care for the gardens year after year. We find that the gardens are treasured by our volunteers and other residents, and serve as catalysts for neighborhood improvement.

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Why It Matters

WPC Gardens - 2019

Bringing Communities Together Through Partnerships and Volunteering

We are proud of these beautiful community landscapes, but are equally pleased that these flower gardens are largely planted and cared for by an army of dedicated volunteers. Each year more than 11,000 volunteers help plant our gardens, and rely on a dedicated group of volunteers, called garden stewards, to give regular attention to the gardens. Stewards keep our gardens healthy and blooming into the fall.

We’re also grateful to our sponsors and other funders who make it possible for the Conservancy to purchase the 200,000 flowering annuals and grasses, mulch, tools and other materials. Our supporters make it possible for us to coordinate the exceptional network of volunteers that are needed to keep local community gardens blooming and free of weeds and invasive plants.

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What's New

Throughout the year, there is always something exciting  happening with our community gardens! Whether it is a profile of a garden steward or highlighting a new financial partner, we will share that news with you and keep you informed regarding our gardens and how you can stay involved.


Get Involved

Whether you’re a skilled gardener or have never planted anything green before, we invite you to get involved in the variety of ways to support community flower gardens in your neighborhood or town. Anyone can volunteer, from families to seniors, to help beautify our region.

Whether you’re interested in participating in a one-time volunteer planting event or providing ongoing volunteer or financial support, please contact Shawn at 412-586-2327 or to get involved in our community flower gardens.