
Benefits of Trees

With the help of our volunteers, members and partners, we’ve planted nearly 60,000 trees across Western Pennsylvania within the past 10 years. Not only are trees beautiful, they are beneficial in so many ways. Trees are long-term investments that only get better over time. Besides providing wildlife habitat, clean air, oxygen and food sources, trees play a vital role in our health and the economy.

Trees are good for business.
Shaded business district = 11% increase in business. -Center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington

Trees help keep people healthy.
Trees outside hospital windows = almost 1 full day less recovery time and fewer pain killers for patients. -Center for Health Systems and Design, Texas A&M University

Trees are environmental workhorses.
20,000 new trees = $800,000 worth of utility savings to our region annually. -City of Pittsburgh Shade Tree Commission

Trees play a key role in storm water management.
Large trees can intercept upwards of 2,000 gallons of rainfall annually. -Midwest Community Tree Guide: Benefits, Costs, and Strategic Planting by McPherson, E. et al.

Trees help build strong communities.
Planting a tree within 50 feet of a house = increased property value of about 9%. -Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

Trees beautify our communities for generations.
The lifespan of an oak = 400 years or more -Trees of Pennsylvania by Ann Fowler Rhodes & Timothy A. Block

WPC Community Forestry
For More Information:

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Alicia Wehrle
Community Greening Project Manager