Watershed Conservation

Get on the Water

We're improving access for waterway recreation. Now, grabbing your canoe and finding a place to paddle is much easier, thanks to the 94 river access locations made possible by WPC’s Canoe Access Development Fund (CADF). Learn how you can take advantage of great regional paddling trips that were improved with CADF grants.

Love to paddle?

Put your canoe or kayak on the water at 94 river access locations made possible by our Canoe Access Development Fund.

Plan Your Adventure

Our interactive map highlights some canoe and kayak trips in our region and provides details on and locations of WPC-funded put-in and take-out sites.


WPC Canoe Access Development Fund

Canoeing Guide

Our projects focus on streams in the region that people can canoe or kayak, with an emphasis on easier whitewater that is suitable for novice paddlers.

The best reference for identifying these types of streams remains the “Canoeing Guide to Western Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia,” compiled and edited by Roy Weil and Mary Shaw, WPC members who established the CADF fund in 2008.


For More Information:

Watershed Conservation Program
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
1067 Philadelphia Street, Suite 101
Indiana, PA 15701

Eli Long
724-471-7202, ext. 5105