Watershed Conservation
BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grant Program
Each year, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy accepts proposals for its Watershed Mini Grant Program, which provides assistance to the region’s grassroots watershed groups and organizations.

Our Watershed Mini Grants can be used to cover expenses in three areas:
Water Quality Monitoring ($3,500 limit)
Restoration Projects ($3,500 limit)
Organizational Promotion and Outreach ($2,500 limit)
Funding for this grant program is provided by BHE Foundation and BHE GT&S, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy. The program offers funding to watershed organizations in the following counties:
Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bradford, Butler, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Elk, Fayette, Franklin, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lawrence, McKean, Mifflin, Potter, Tioga, Washington and Westmoreland
Applying for a Grant
The application period for the 2025 BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grant Program is now open. The application is available for download here. Please note applications must be mailed and postmarked by December 16, 2024.
If you have questions regarding the BHE GT&S Watershed Mini Grant Program or the application process, please contact Kelly Horrell, WPC watershed conservation program administrator, at khorrell@paconserve.org or 724-471-7202, ext. 5100.
Conemaugh Valley Conservancy
The Conemaugh Valley Conservancy received a grant in 2023 to help with producing and distributing their annual report, and with promoting its annual sojourn and annual Triathlon on social media. The Triathlon had a record 146 registrants and raised a record $10,000 for trail maintenance.
Creek Connections at Allegheny College
Creek Connections at Allegheny College purchased water quality monitoring supplies to help students in regional schools monitor water quality in the Ohio River watershed. Since 1995, the project has grown from five to more than 50 participating teachers at 40 middle and high schools in 2024.
Kiskiminetas Watershed Association
Kiskiminetas Watershed Association printed trifold wildflower brochures, rack cards and newsletters for membership and their Trout Fundraiser. The KWA maintains a native plant preserve in West Leechburg.
Mountain Laurel Trout Unlimited
Mountain Laurel Trout Unlimited used its grant to help improve Stewarts Run, a tributary to the south branch of Black Lick Creek on State Game Lands 79. Trout Unlimited members, local volunteers and PA Game Commission staff strategically placed logs, root wads and rocks to support and protect streambanks, control erosion and diminish sedimentation.
Turtle Creek Watershed Association
Turtle Creek Watershed Association used its mini grant to distribute rain gauges and fact sheets at library and school presentations, watershed walks and other community events. The group also received funds to produce newsletters for distribution during watershed activities.
Sewickley Creek Watershed Association
Sewickley Creek Watershed Association used a mini grant to monitor water quality and manage vegetation at the Brinkerton Acid Mine Drainage treatment site. The funds paid for the subscription to Zentra Cloud for the CTD Sensors data service. Sensors gather information on conductivity, temperature and depth. The in-stream data collectors were on Jacks Run, a stream adjacent to the treatment system.
Upper Chartiers Creek Watershed Association
Upper Chartiers Creek Watershed Association conducted chemical laboratory tests on Chartiers Creek. Initially, they tested trace elements, due to the increased gas well drilling in the watershed. Results did not show high levels of trace elements, but did show high levels of total coliform and E.coli. They then looked for sources of bacteria, in particular from two sewage plants. They discovered that one plant was out of compliance with the EPA for several pollutants since at least 2020.
For More Information:
Watershed Conservation Program
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
1067 Philadelphia Street, Suite 101
Indiana, PA 15701