Public Policy
Charitable Tax Policy
The work of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, along with countless other 501(c)3 not-for-profit organizations, is supported and made possible by the contributions of generous individual donors.
The tax benefits associated with these charitable contributions have formed a cornerstone of our nation’s tax policy for decades. Without important tax incentives that reward conservation giving and charitable giving generally, we would not be able to accomplish our goals of protecting the exceptional places in western Pennsylvania.
WPC Position
WPC supported the enhanced incentive for contributions of conservation easements, as well as the IRA charitable rollover provision. Both of these were made permanent in December of 2015.
Presently, WPC strongly supports H.R. 4164, the Charitable Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act, which will improve oversight of these transactions to ensure they are not abused by bad actors seeking to profit by exploiting loopholes in the tax code.