Nature Themed Books

We Planted a Tree


Written by Diane Muldrow
Illustrated by Bob Staake


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Reviewed by Amy Jewitt:

I love this book. The concept is so simple; plant a tree. And yet the book tells a tale of magic and wonder, and it all starts with planting a tree. The illustrations in this book are fantastic and help to engage children with the fun aspects of trees, like the beautiful flowers they make in the spring time, or the food they produce that humans (and wildlife) can collect such as fruit, sap, and acorns. In each illustration, smiling children are portrayed, showing the personal connection they share with nature. I also really liked how this book spanned geographies to make this book more inclusive of a diverse readership.


Amy Jewitt is the Invasive Species Coordinator for WPC and PA Natural Heritage Program

Amy serves as the Invasive Species Coordinator at the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program. Amy’s past experiences with both the Plum Pox Virus and Asian Longhorned Beetle eradication programs have made her a passionate advocate for raising awareness of the impacts invasive species have on the environment, economy, and human health and well-being.

Other Connections

Working in partnership with community groups, nonprofits and municipal agencies, TreeVitalize Pittsburgh has planted 34,000 trees since 2008 in an effort to improve the quality of life and the environment in the Pittsburgh region. To learn more about how you can bring trees to your community click here: