Donate to Protect Our Region

Be the Voice of Nature

Non-Cash Gifts

There are many ways to support the Conservancy's efforts to protect water, land, and life.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities

Donating securities to WPC is simple and will help you save on taxes while conserving important natural places.

Donor-Advised Funds

Do you have a donor-advised fund? Learn how you can make a distribution to support the Conservancy.

Giving Through Your IRA

Support WPC with a tax-free gift directly from your IRA.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Name WPC as the owner or beneficiary of your policy to create a significant legacy.

Gifts That Pay Income

Charitable Gift Annuities and remainder trusts help you save taxes and increase your income.

GIft and Estate Planning

Discover the many ways you can create a legacy at the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

Gifts of Real Estate

Consider donating property to advance WPC’s mission