News and Media Room

Watch This Webinar on
WPC’s Community Forestry Program

Pittsburgh, Pa. – August 13, 2020 – One of the unsung heroes of a region’s vitality is the community tree canopy. Trees not only act as the world’s lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, but they provide shade to cool our cities, increase property values and even deter crime in public areas. Trees also… Read More

We Stand In Solidarity

Pittsburgh, Pa. – originally posted on June 11, 2020 – The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy supports the pivotal movement calling for racial and social justice. We stand with the many people in our region and across the country, particularly in the black community, opposing racism, bias and oppression of all kinds. Our work benefits everyone and… Read More

Eden Hill Conservancy Donates Conservation
Easements on 207 Acres to WPC

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 30, 2020 – More than a year ago, the leaders of Eden Hill Conservancy, an all-volunteer land trust located in Huntingdon County, knew they needed to dissolve due to increasing operational challenges. But before doing so, they wanted to transfer their conservation easements to a reputable and accredited land trust in… Read More

WPC Acquires More Land Along Route 30
Within the Loyalhanna Creek Watershed

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 16, 2020 – The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced today the permanent protection of 50 acres within the Loyalhanna Creek watershed, along the scenic and historic Route 30 corridor in Ligonier Township, Westmoreland County. The forested property is located on the north side of westbound Route 30 and hosts a half mile… Read More

Fallingwater Reopens Saturday, June 13

Pittsburgh, Pa. – June 12, 2020 – Fallingwater reopens Saturday, June 13, 2020, after being closed since March 15 due to health and safety reasons related to COVID-19, for exterior-only experiences. Fallingwater is following health guidelines from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and volunteers, which remains its top priority…. Read More

Dominion Energy, WPC Award 24 Grants to
Local Watershed Groups

Pittsburgh, Pa. – May 18, 2020 – The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and the Dominion Energy Charitable Foundation recently awarded 24 grants, totaling $30,000, to 23 local environmental organizations in 12 counties across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as part of their 2020 Watershed Mini Grant Program. Grants were awarded to the following organizations: Allegheny Aquatic Alliance… Read More

Forested Land Expands Sideling Hill Creek
Conservation Area to 375 Acres

Pittsburgh, Pa. – May 15, 2020 – Nineteen acres of forested land buffering Sideling Hill Creek in Mann Township, Bedford County have been protected and added to the now 375-acre Sideling Hill Creek Conservation Area, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy announced today. The newly protected land provides habitat for wildlife and serves as an important riparian… Read More

Media Inquiries

Carmen Bray
Senior Director of Communications
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
