Community Flower Gardens
Volunteer at a Community Garden
Volunteer to plant flowers or steward a community garden. Contact Shawn at 412-586-2327 or to register.
Flowers grow and gardens thrive thanks to volunteers, like you, who give their time and effort to plant and maintain the 130 community flower gardens throughout Western Pennsylvania. We invite you to be part of the thousands of Western Pennsylvanians who help beautify our region by planting and tending to flower beds and other green spaces from spring to fall each year.
Volunteer at a Community Flower Garden
Our garden volunteers come from all walks of life and are of all ages. They may come as individuals, families, community groups or corporate volunteers. Some have never planted flowers before, while others are skilled gardeners who have been planting with us for years. We welcome all who would like to participate with our projects. Volunteering with us improves the local natural landscape and enhances local communities.
What are the tasks the garden volunteers do?
In the spring, flowers are planted in prepared flower beds. In the summer, weeding and other maintenance takes place. And in the fall, our gardens are put to bed in preparation for winter weather. All of this is required to keep the gardens blooming, healthy and attractive.
Where and how can I volunteer?
Our 130 community flower gardens are located in 20 counties throughout Western Pennsylvania. We plant at schools, in neighborhoods, along highways, in business districts, at bridges and other landmarks or gateways in our region.

What if it’s raining on my volunteer day?
Please note that our gardens are planted rain or shine. It is important to come dressed in appropriate attire, and be ready to get a little messy and have some fun.
Who can I talk to about volunteering?
If you or your group is interested in volunteering at any of our gardens, please contact Shawn at (412) 586-2327 or

Volunteer to Maintain a Garden as a Garden Steward
In additional to planting events, we rely on garden stewards to help provide weekly maintenance. Each garden has a designated garden steward who tends the garden once it is planted and keeps it looking beautiful throughout the growing season. A steward for a garden can be either one person, team of people, groups of friends or a family.
We currently need garden stewards!
If you are interested in volunteering at one of our gardens in need of a steward, please contact Shawn at 412-586-2327 or
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy considers applicants and volunteers without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, sex, sexual preference, disability, marital status or veteran status.