Donate to Protect Our Region

Be the Voice of Nature

Donor Privacy Policy

The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy not only carefully and effectively uses donors’ contributions to support the organization, but also values transparency about its operations.

The Conservancy holds itself accountable to donors, members and the public. The organization aims to use every dollar donated to WPC with careful attention to effectiveness and efficiency.

As part of WPC’s continuing efforts to expand donor and membership support for its programs, the Conservancy occasionally exchanges portions of its member list with a small number of carefully screened organizations. These organizations conduct similar programs or services that may interest WPC members.

The Conservancy respects the wishes of those who do not want their member information to be exchanged or do not want to receive information from other organizations. The Conservancy will also remove names from its mailing lists at the donor's request, as well as honor all donor requests to cease contact by mail, telephone or email.

Members and donors may contact WPC’s development department at 412-288-2777, or at the following address:

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222