Land Stewardship at Oakford Park Nature Reserve

April 12, 2025 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Call   412-586-2318
to Register

Activities: General clean-up

If you enjoy hiking and getting outdoors, consider becoming a land stewardship volunteer. These volunteers help build trails, keep nature preserves clean and safe, and help sustain a variety of outdoor recreational opportunities for all! The Conservancy owns and cares for more than 14,000 acres of land that are free and open to the public to explore and enjoy.

For additional information and to register, please contact Andrew Zadnik, director of land stewardship, at or 412-586-2318 (office).

Unless otherwise noted, volunteers and staff are asked to meet at 9 a.m. at the preserve, rain or shine. If a workday is cancelled, a message will be sent immediately to the land steward email list (the website may not be updated for a day or so).