Nature Themed Books

Seeing Into Tomorrow


Written by Richard Wright
Illustrated by Nina Crews


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Reviewed by Anna Johnson:

These poems, all written by the famous novelist, Richard Wright, are about small feelings of wonder in nature. The book is illustrated with beautiful photo collages. At the back of the book is more information about Wright’s life and written legacy, as well as more information about haiku (a form of poetry) and further reading.

Anna Johnson is a former Natural Heritage Program Planning Coordinator

When not making maps or working with biodiversity data for the Heritage Program, Anna spends most of her time poking around outside with her son, gardening, and reading. She lives in Stanton Heights with her family, and loves Pittsburgh in the springtime, even when it snows.

Other Connections

As you observe nature all around you on a walk through your neighborhood, a park or on a hike, what inspires you to write your own haiku? Scholastic offers a guide for educators looking to teach about haiku, a form of poetry from Japan, which are often inspired by nature:

Wondering what the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is working on in your community? Click on the map of our work to zoom into your region, town or neighborhood to see our projects and properties: