Conservation Science

Protecting Pennsylvania's Plants and Animals

Evening Grosbeak Shirt Sale

The shirt sale closed March 1. Thank you for supporting our project Tracking Evening Grosbeak Winter Movements via the Motus Wildlife Tracking System and nanotag technology.

This project is a collaboration of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy’s PA Natural Heritage Program, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History’s Powdermill Avian Research Center and the Finch Research Network.

Sales supported this project and evening grosbeak conservation! Thank you!


$25 + shipping

Unisex size, 100% cotton
Choose size to purchase


$45 + shipping

Men's Size, 50/50 (poly/cotton)
Choose size to purchase


$30 + shipping

Men's Size, Ultra Cotton
Choose size to purchase
Please note, the sale closed March 1.    Please see below for important shipping information.

Ordering and Shipping

  • Please note: The shirts are custom printed in bulk. The bulk order is shipped to WPC and then individual orders are mailed via USPS. Please allow approximately 4-6 weeks for delivery. Thank you for your patience and for supporting this important project!
  • Shirt brands and materials are:
      • Short-sleeve T-shirt: 3001C Bella + Canvas*, Unisex, 100% cotton (*Brand could vary according to supply)
      • Hoodie: G185 Gildan Adult Heavy Blend™*, 50/50 (poly/cotton) (*Brand could vary according to supply)
      • Long-sleeve T-shirt: G240 Gildan Adult Ultra Cotton®

Thank you so much for supporting this effort and for helping to conserve evening grosbeaks! Read more about the project.

For information about ordering, please contact:

David Yeany II
Avian Ecologist
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222