Downtown Pittsburgh Greening
Downtown Pittsburgh’s resurgence has been aided by the natural beauty of trees and colorful gardens, planters and hanging baskets, thanks to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and its downtown partners.
Since the 1970s, the Conservancy has worked to green and beautify downtown Pittsburgh to help revitalize our region’s urban core. Our work includes providing over 1,200 hanging floral baskets and large street planters in key corridors, refurbishing the Gateway Center Islands, installing flower gardens, bioswale and a rain garden in Point State Park, and planting more than 500 trees.
In addition to beautification, greening along the hard surfaces of the city provides shading from trees to help reduce cooling needs. Trees also reduce and stormwater runoff and improve air quality.
Downtown Hanging Flower Baskets
We grow, hang and care for more than 400 flower baskets that beautifying our city in the Spring and Summer.
Downtown Flower Planters
More than 500 large planters accent main pedestrian corridors downtown Pittsburgh all year long.
Downtown Trees
Since 2010, we've worked with TreeVitalize Pittsburgh and downtown stakeholders to plant more than 750 trees.
Downtown Pittsburgh Greening Projects
The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy partners with other organizations to implement additional greening projects in Downtown Pittsburgh.

Green Wall and Greener Parking Lot
In 2012, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy installed the city’s first trellis-style green wall at 7th Street and Ft. Duquesne Boulevard. In the heart of Pittsburgh’s Cultural District, this 40-foot by 54-foot permanent wall trellis was designed with native vines, including Dutchman’s pipe, American bittersweet, Virgin’s bower clematis and two types of native honeysuckle. WPC staff and Duquesne Light volunteers planted these vines at the bottom of the trellis with the expectation that they could reach a height of up to 50 feet. This new green wall was meant not only to enhance the urban landscape by providing long-lasting greenery and blooms, but also to save energy by protecting the building from wind and sun.
Following the success of the green wall, and in partnership with ALCO Parking, WPC added an abundance of greenery to the parking lot below the wall. Perennial garden beds and mature trees were added along the perimeter and center of the lot to add diverse vegetation and to create a greener and far more attractive parking site without removing any parking spots.

Katz Plaza and Theater Square
WPC partners with the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust to maintain the natural elements of the Agnes R. Katz Plaza, a popular Downtown parklet at the corner of 7th Street and Penn Avenue as well as the adjacent Theater Square. Katz Plaza is well known for the 25-foot bronze fountain and public art installation created by sculptor Louise Bourgeois.

The Water Cube Parklet

Market Square
In 2007, WPC partnered with the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership to add green accents to Market Square. As part of its strategy to enliven downtown Pittsburgh and make Market Square a key to the revitalization of the Golden Triangle, the Partnership asked WPC to add flower planters and special spring and summer plantings in the Square. Along with hanging flower baskets, large planters were used to delineate experimental outdoor seating for the Square’s restaurants. The Partnership found that the greening of Market Square helped to increase the function of its outdoor space. Local businesses mentioned the planters and greenery when they thanked the Partnership for its efforts downtown. WPC continues to work with the Partnership to enhance Market Square with greening for all to enjoy.

Convention Center
With the announcement that Pittsburgh would be the site of the September 2009 G-20 Summit, the opportunity arose to improve the facade and landscape of Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convention Center. During our Downtown Greening Survey conducted as part of the 2007 Downtown Greening Report, this site was identified as the most visited point in the Golden Triangle; the Convention center itself is one of the world’s largest green buildings—yet its handsome and efficient design lacked a complementary green landscape.
- shade
- air temperature reduction
- traffic noise reduction
- air quality improvement by intercepting dust, ash and exhaust
- prevention of approximately 7,400 gallons of water from entering the municipal water treatment system each year
- approximately 3,400 pounds of carbon offset annually

For More Information:
Art DeMeo
Director of Community Greenspace Services
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15222