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Be the Voice of Nature

Sample Language for Wills

Adding the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to your estate plans is as simple as adding a codicil to your existing will - or making WPC a beneficiary of your IRA, life insurance or retirement account.

Below is some sample language that you can share with your attorney.

Dollar Amount

"I hereby bequeath the sum of $______ to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, a not-for-profit, charitable organization incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania and presently having offices at 800 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA, 15222."



"I hereby bequeath __ percent of my estate to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy...(as above)."


Remainder Value

"I hereby bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy...(as above)."


Real Estate

"I hereby devise and bequeath _____________ to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy for such purposes as the organization's trustees may determine is most appropriate and place no restriction on the use of this gift. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is a not-for-profit organization...(as above)."


Please Note: If you are considering a gift of land, we request that you notify us in advance so that we may discuss your intentions to ensure that your gift is handled according to your wishes. The making of a will ensures that assets are distributed according to the wishes of its owner, not his or her state of residence.

For More Information:

If you have any questions, please call 412-586-2336 or email