67 Search Results for "Bear Run Nature Reserve"
2020 Members’ Day and Annual Meeting – Postponed
For the health of all involved, we have made the necessary decision to postpone Members' Day this year, originally scheduled for Saturday, May 2 at Bear Run Nature Reserve. We so enjoy meeting with our members each year and sharing the important work that you support throughout our region. We... Read More
Entrusted to WPC in 1963
Fallingwater Entrusted to WPC in 1963 Entrusting the conservation and preservation of an architectural masterpiece to a nature organization may seem unusual, but our work to enrich and connect people to nature embodies the same goals Frank Lloyd Wright had for Fallingwater. Edgar J. Kaufmann, Sr. (1885-1955), his wife Liliane... Read More
Volunteer for Land Stewardship
2020 Volunteer Land Steward Workdays Thank you for your interest in Land Stewardship workdays. Management of WPC properties would not be possible without the help of our dedicated volunteers. Below is a drop-down list of current workdays for the 2020 season. To sign up for a specific workday, please click... Read More
Leadership Circle
Donate to Protect Our Places We can't do it without you. Leadership Circle Dedicated leadership donors have helped us establish state parks, restore rivers and streams, create community green spaces and open Fallingwater to a worldwide audience. Since 1932, the work of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy has enhanced the quality... Read More
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
Conservation Science Protecting Pennsylvania’s Plants and Animals Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) is a small insect that feeds on species of hemlock trees, including Pennsylvania’s state tree, the eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). Not originally found in eastern North America, this exotic invasive species has caused extensive mortality... Read More
Garlic Mustard
Conservation Science Protecting Pennsylvania’s Plants and Animals Garlic Mustard and theWest Virginia White Butterfly One of many invasive plants in Pennsylvania, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) was introduced on the east coast in the 1860s and has since spread throughout the Northeast and Midwest. This shade-tolerant invasive plant outcompetes native vegetation.... Read More
Conservation Science Protecting Pennsylvania’s Plants and Animals Species at Risk:Bats Pennsylvania is home to a number of bat species that fill a unique niche as predators of nighttime flying insects. Unfortunately, populations of hibernating bats have undergone drastic declines due to a fungal disease called white-nose syndrome (WNS). The Western... Read More
Donate to Protect Our Region Be the Voice of Nature Gifts by Bequest Create a legacy that will have an impact on Western Pennsylvania for years to come! Your will or trust is a reflection of your values. You can continue to protect Western Pennsylvania’s exceptional places through your estate... Read More
Corporate Giving
Thank you to our Business Partners! Be the Voice of Nature Together, we can protect the natural beauty of our region. Show your customers, clients and employees that your business is committed to enhancing the natural beauty of Western Pennsylvania by partnering with the Conservancy through sponsorships, donations or project... Read More
Events & Volunteer Opportunities
Become a WPC Photographer January 31, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Take Photos or Capture Video as a WPC Photographer Are you a shutterbug? You can use your hobby as a way to volunteer! Photographers are needed to document newly protected properties, member outings and volunteer events such as garden... Read More