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Gifts Outside Your Will

Consider making a gift through your Retirement Plan, Life Insurance Policy, or Brokerage or Bank Account.
Gifts by Beneficiary Designation – Retirement and Life Insurance Plans
Naming the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, life insurance policy, brokerage or bank account is a generous way to support our shared vision for future generations.
Qualified retirement plans and life insurance policies are non-probate assets. This means you can make a gift through a beneficiary designation, even if you don’t have a will. Any remaining amount, or the insurance proceeds, will be distributed to the people and/or organizations you’ve named as beneficiaries.
You can request a Change of Beneficiary Form from your plan administrator and add the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy as a full or partial beneficiary. Make sure to include our Tax ID number: 25-1053485.
Immediate Gifts through an IRA Charitable Rollover
The IRA qualified charitable distribution is now permanent and is a terrific way to make a tax-free gift to the Conservancy using your qualified retirement plan. This gift may also satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD).
How Do I Qualify?
- You must be 70 ½ years old or older at the time of the gift
- Gifts must go directly from your IRA to WPC or Fallingwater
- Gifts must come from a traditional IRA or Roth IRA account
- Gifts cannot exceed $100,000 per donor
Benefits of an IRA qualified charitable distribution gift
- Gifts can satisfy your RMD without increasing your income taxes
- You will not pay taxes on your IRA withdrawal when gifted directly to WPC or Fallingwater
- It is a wonderful way to create an immediate impact in Western Pennsylvania
To make a qualified distribution to the Conservancy, please instruct your IRA custodian to issue a check to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
Legal Name:
Federal Tax ID:
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
800 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
*Please remind your custodian to note your name and address on the transmittal or use this template to send to your IRA custodian to authorize a rollover to WPC.
The information and content contained herein are intended for educational purposes only and are not intended to provide legal, tax or other professional advice or to be relied upon. We encourage you to consult with an attorney, tax advisor or accountant.
For More Information:
Find out more about setting up a gift outside your will by contacting WPC at 412-586-2336 or